Thursday, November 20, 2008

Carrie Underwood!

Carrie Underwood is amazing!!!! I loved her before this concert but now I like her even more! Her voice is seriously so good!!!! Me, Allyson Jeffery, Allyson Hewlett, Taylor and Ashlee all went and had the best freak'n time of our lives! haha our seats were really good and we went to dinner before at Costa Vida (not as good as Cafe Rio by the way! ha) and then rocked out at the concert! ha we got home at like midnight and so today at school I was seriously asleep in all my classes but it was soooo worth it!!!!

We sat quietly the whole time.

It was a rough concert! It took it right out of us! ha


Allyson said...

BEST NIGHT...EEEEVVVVEEEERRRRRRRR!!!! haha no joke! it was absolutely amazing! high school is just the best! all these pictures ROCK! i love how in most of them you and aly are pulling the same faces then there's me...doing my own thing of course! ha ha i'm such a concern! lol i can't wait til the next concert! haha

Kelsey, Greg, and Olivia said...

I'm so glad you finally updated! I've been missin your posts! That concert looks SO fun! I'm so jealous! It looks like by the end of the night, you guys were a little frazzles! By the way, you looked gorgeous at preference! (who did your hair? It looked HOT! ha ha) How funny that all the guys are in cowboy tuxes! So cute!

Efy! It was so much fun! I met so many new people and had some awsome experiences