Me and Allyson were very boared on Thursday and decided to go try on the UGLIEST prom dresses we could find, and model them! haha But before we went into the store we had to have a story just incase they asked us why we were looking for dresses. After sitting in Allysons car for a good 15 minutes we had a story! We were from California and were down here visiting our grandma and we needed to go prom dress shopping. We had all the details down from the city to who our grandparents were and how we were related. It was perfect! As we walked into the store Allyson busted out aughing so hard I couldnt even make out what she was trying to say. Come to find out the worker was in her ward!!!!!! haha... of coarse! So there went our whole story! But dont think that stopped us, we carry on anyway. We started looking, and picked up some of the ugliest ones we could find, and tried them on! We got stared down the whole time by the workers but they never asked any questions so we just went on! haha After we had tried on about every dress in the store we couldnt just leave, so I put a dress on hold and told them i would be back later tonight with my mom to buy it! It went over really well! haha
This one was actually really cute on allyson... a little tight though! haha
I felt like Bell in this sicky dress!
This dress looked like they had taken the curtains from my house and decided to make a dress out of them!
yesssss silky!
all I have to say is...BARBIE!
This on actually was pretty cute but WAY too tight! haha
I felt like little mermaid in this was horrible
Princess allyson
I will be right back i just have to go do the charlesten really quick! eeew!
It wouldn't zip up!!!!...
Neither would Allyson's! haha

this one gets my vote of the ugliest one!
You guys are the best, looks like tons of fun. Um, am I too old to do something like that?
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