Thursday, November 20, 2008
Carrie Underwood!
Posted by Lexie at 7:36 PM 2 comments
Preference was so much fun! So the week before our group went ice skating (we couldn't do a day date cause some of the boys in our group couldn't go that day) and that was a total blast!! Then for dinner we went to The Chef's Table! It was amazing! I don't think I have ever been to a nicer restaurant, there was full on pallet cleansers an we all basically had our own waiters and the food was way good! Ha. Then we headed to the dance (I really struggled finding it!) ha I loved to see everyone's dresses! Some girls get all decked out in these HUGE dresses and their poor dates get overtaken by them! ha But everyone looked so pretty, but I am not sure why we even try because by the end of the dance you are so sweaty... well at least I am! ha After that we went to a girls house in our group and had Sundays and just talked! Everything went really good, surprisingly because we struggled planning it! ha
So all of the boys in our group got full on cowboy tuxes! ha it was really funny! They looked cute!
Posted by Lexie at 6:36 PM 2 comments
Ok so for Halloween me and McCall dressed up as 80's girls! It was so much fun! Then that night we hung out with a big group of friends and watched a movie! McCall really really wanted to go tricker treating, I told her we were too old but she didn't care and went anyway!!! hahaAllyson didn't dress up, she didn't really have anything to wear and me and McCall decided at 10:00 the night before halloween to dress up and Allyson didnt have much time to decide cause she had work, so she came to school just dressed normal, but we decided she could be mother nature because she had a shirt with branches all over it and leaf earings! ha
On Halloween in PE we did yoga as our lesson and me and Vanessa struggled in our outfits! ha
These are our hot spandex! Everyone kept feeling my legs to see if the gold was painted on because they were sooo tight!!!! ha
Posted by Lexie at 5:32 PM 1 comments
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Lehi Round up!
Posted by Lexie at 3:09 PM 2 comments
The Fourth of July!
Posted by Lexie at 2:44 PM 0 comments
Sunday, June 22, 2008
San diego!
Posted by Lexie at 4:51 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Celebrating the last day of school with a big homeaid Breakfast!
Friday the 30th was our last day of having to step into the highschool for three amazing months! Although there was no actual class we needed to go pick up our refund! That morning I literally rolled out of bed and wore to school what I had wore to bed that night, it consisted of basketball shorts and Dr. Suess T, I kinda expected everyone els to do the same but no, when I got there, people were full on dressed and ready for the day, with their hair curled, make-up on and a complete outfit... needless to say I felt a little out of place! haha After my friends and I stood in line to get our big $10 refund we decided we needed breakfast! It was either IHOP or make our own! We decided it would be cheapest and most fun to make our own! We were right! We headed to do some seriouse shopping for food and for $25 we got eggs, hashbrowns, waffles, bacon, and OJ. We all pitched in like $3 and went to Allysons house to start cooking! It was so much fun we just turned on music and danced cooked and ate! It was a Blast!
Posted by Lexie at 10:23 AM 2 comments